Wednesday, July 24, 2024

National Public Radio Cancels Only African American Program…

December 13, 2008 by  
Filed under News, Weekly Columns

( It seems that as time changes, nothing seems to ever change as it relates to African American issues in our society. Growing up in the 1950s I often heard the refrain, that blacks were the last hired and the first fired.

That trend continues as National Public Radio, a liberal news organization, has just announced they are discontinuing the Program, “News & Notes, hosted by veteran broadcast and digital media journalist Farai Chideya. NPR cites the fact that the program received low ratings and did not attract the funding necessary from national sponsors. This move is part of a company – wide move to address a projected $23 million deficit in the current fiscal year. This represents a reduction in the workforce by 7%.

In addition the News & Notes, the station also eliminated the program “Day to Day“.

News & Notes” was a one-hour daily program and was produced at the NPR West studios in Culver City, CA. A roster of respected experts contributed regular segments on a wide range of subjects, with input from the program’s audience.

I enjoyed this program on my ride home from work each day. I will miss it. It kept me abreast of the leading theoritician in the African American community. It is a shame that a program that sheds light on the positive issues of the African American experience has to be eliminated when public funds continue to broadcast all things non African American.

Written By Michael Harvey

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