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The Technologies, Trends & Methods Changing The Face Of Healthcare.

January 11, 2017 by  
Filed under Health, Money/Business, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comThere is no doubt in anyone’s mind that healthcare is one of the most important industries out there. Without the role of healthcare in our society and in our world, we would experience much more suffering, much shorter lives, and the knock-on effects of this would be quite staggering. Healthcare is one of those areas which seems to be under a process of continual change, and the reasons for that are quite clear. After all, we need to be carrying out more and more research if we want healthcare to improve at the rate we desire, so it is unsurprising that we do not let up in this regard. But there are certain technologies and methods which are proving to be particularly effective in helping to positively alter the nature of the healthcare industry for good. For a brief discussion on what those technologies, methods and trends might be, read on. We will look at some of the most inventive healthcare solutions of recent years.

Mobile Stroke Units

Stroke is a very common issue, across the world. There is no wonder why we are so keen on finding solutions for this particular issue, as it is a sudden and terrible affliction which often causes serious ongoing damage in the future. Fortunately, a particularly elegant solution has recently started appearing in many places around the world. The mobile stroke unit is a specifically-outfitted kind of ambulance, complete with fully trained medical staff, who can fully attend to stroke victims in just the right way so as to minimise the chance of ongoing damage. What’s more, they can get the patient ready for hospital in such a way so as to dramatically increase the effectiveness of the treatment given there. Mobile stroke units are quickly changing the way that we treat stroke victims, and doing so in a way which makes them much more likely to both survive and enjoy a fuller happier life after the event.

Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics is currently not used extensively throughout the healthcare world, but there are many who believe that it should be. If you are unsure of what predictive analytics is, it is quite simply the use of technology and statistical methods to search through massive amounts of information, with a view to analysing it in order to better predict the outcomes of specific patients. This information can be anything relevant, and in general the more data there is to use, the better. Predictive analytics is a fascinating and useful method, and there are plenty of ways in which it might help to improve healthcare across the globe. The fact that each set of analytics is devised and used for one particular individual means that this is a form of healthcare which really cares about the patient. This is not number-based healthcare, but a person-centred approach which makes each patient the most important thing in the world. Often, this is the very approach which we need to really improve the nature of healthcare in the world today. Moreover, predictive analytics has actually been shown to improve the accuracy of diagnoses. It goes without saying that improving diagnoses is likely to be a huge boon for any patient so clearly this is a big plus. But it is not just the benefits for the patient which makes this methodology so attractive. The way in which it delivers results also means that medical practices, hospitals and so on can effectively see their costs massively reduced through the use of predictive analytics. This is one methodology which looks set to take the healthcare world by storm, and when it does so it just might change the nature of care forever.

Cellular Engineering

Let’s take a closer look now at some of the more medical-based advances of recent years. One which is only ever growing in popularity of usage is cellular engineering. This is the process of controlling and regulating the cell proliferation, and as a method it has many distinct uses which are worth considering. For the most part, this is a method which allows medical professionals to help in the process of rebuilding tissues and cells, something which can clearly be applied in a useful way to many different kinds of illnesses and other problems. Companies like www.TranspogenBio.com specialise in cell engineering, and as a result of their work plenty of people across the globe can experience recovery times which are much faster than they would otherwise be. As with many areas of this kind, it is a continual process of learning for those who are involved in the process, and that means that we can only expect to see greater and greater things from this method as time goes on. For more on cellular engineering, see http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com.

Miniature Pacemakers

The pacemaker is itself a relatively old invention, but there are some recent changes to the way it works which looks set to completely change how effective it is forever. In new, miniature pacemakers, we see machinery which is ten percent of the size of the old ones, and they are also designed only for one heart chamber. Clearly, the newfound size of these machines means that they are all that much easier to insert and that is always going to be a good thing for both patient and surgeon alike. These new pacemakers are shown to be more effective than traditional ones, but are also only likely to be suitable for around fifteen percent of patients. Perhaps in the years to come, this number will be seen to increase. Take a look at www.medtronic.com/us-en/about/news/micra-fda-approval.html for more on miniature pacemakers.

Spectral Computed Tomography

Although not entirely new, this is a technology which is looking set to re-enter the conversation in the world of healthcare sometime soon. Spectral computed tomography is an inventive tool which builds on those traditional CT scans, adding depth to the physiological function of soft tissue by use of a dual-layer detector. Using this, medical professionals can hope to discover much more in a shorter space of time. With increased usage, moreover, the effectiveness of this technology should also increase.

Staff Writer; John Foster

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