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How To Get Your Business Into The Modern Age.

October 1, 2019 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

( Is your business languishing in the dark ages? Whether you’ve let things stagnate or have recently taken over an out-dated, it’s important to stay up to date in order to compete. Give things a shake up to drag your business into the modern age. Here’s how you can update an old-fashioned business. 

Get The Right Technology In Place

If you’re working on modernising, you need to have the technology in place to support you. To start, check your office IT infrastructure. Have staff got access to a high-speed internet connection? Do they have work mobile phones? Have you got a photocopier that’s older than you that really needs to be replaced. 

Give staff more flexibility and more reliable equipment, by swapping out old desktop computers for a laptop. An IT firm can help you to make these changes, and get you set up with the IT support you need to compete in the modern market. 

Bring In Younger Staff

Some young blood in the company can be a great way to encourage some modernisation. When hiring, try and bring in some new, younger employees who can look at your business with fresh eyes. They will have new ideas and a familiarity with new technology that could encourage existing staff to think outside the box too.

Try New Ways To Communicate With Customers

Give your customers a new way to speak to you, and speak to them where they are. Whether you set up profiles on social media platforms, start a company blog or create an app for your company, you can speak to your customers in a more modern way. Being online makes your business more accessible. Just be sure your online platforms are staffed by knowledgeable professionals, not just the youngest person in the office because you think they can work Twitter. 

Refresh Your Product Range

If you haven’t changed the stock you sell since your business started, you should consider changing the offer. Don’t throw out everything, but consider bringing in some new lines or update an already popular product to keep things fresh. 

Keep Training Your Staff

Businesses change fast these days, and there’s always some changes coming in to industries. To keep up on top of the latest changes, invest in ongoing training for staff. Whether you want to help them refresh their existing skills or train them in something new, like social media, training can help to keep staff engaged and skilled at their jobs. 

Update Your Image

While it is important that your customers still recognise you, a change of image can modernise a business that has been stagnant. Have you had the same logo since you launched? Is your advertising copy out of date? Give it a refresh to modernise your look.

Your website needs to look modern too. Refresh the design so your website looks up to date. Spend some time going through it to catch any out of date information. Up date things like product descriptions and About pages to make sure the information is correct.

Staff Writer; Brad Jones

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