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How To Reduce Your Insurance Premium.

March 9, 2020 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Weekly Columns

( Costly as it is, car insurance, unfortunately, is something no driver can do without. Either you’ll be looking into getting out new insurance or trying to get the best premium, and there are some simple tips to follow. 

Shop around

It’s better to do your research first when getting out car insurance. Use price comparison sites to find the best deals online. It’s often cheaper to go for a shorter-term deal. Don’t opt for “auto-renew ” as this means that your premium will be renewed automatically with no room to negotiate. Car insurance companies don’t tend to reward loyalty for some reason and it’s better to think about changing. 

Go used

There are many benefits to buying a used car and one of them is cheaper car insurance. The reason for this is the dramatic depreciation that new cars go through compared to second-hand vehicles. New cars basically decrease in value as soon as you drive them out of the carlot. They literally lose 11% of their value straight away and then more in the next few years. Used cars have already gone through this depreciation and are not brand new anymore, so you won’t have the same problem.

Add responsible drivers

It can be more difficult if you’re in a high-risk category, so below the age of twenty-five or above the age of seventy, to get a good deal on insurance. This may seem unfair but drivers of these ages are considered riskier, either because of inexperience or health reasons. Men also have to pay higher rates than women. Adding a responsible driver to your insurance, this means someone with few or zero claims and a good few years of driving experience, will improve your rates. 

Learn to drive safely

If you have had accidents in the past it might be time for you to think about how you can be a safer driver. You should have filed an Accident Report which will help. Always respect the speed limit, not only when you see a camera and follow the traffic laws at all costs. If you have a collision with another car because you’ve run a red light then you’ll be the one paying out and paying more for your insurance in the future. 

Regular car maintenance will also protect you from paying out at a later date for repairs. Keep on top of checks and make sure everything is in order as your vehicle will need to be inspected before you set up your insurance premium. 

The best way to get the most out of your car insurance is to never have an accident, thus leaving your no claims bonus intact. However, if the unfortunate occurs and you do need to make a claim on your insurance there is a checklist to follow what you should do immediately after an accident. Make sure you are as informed as you can be, about the accident, the other driver and both of your insurance information. The more information you have, the better.

Staff Writer; Ron Short

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