Saturday, July 27, 2024

21st Century Churches!

April 11, 2018 by  
Filed under Music, Religion, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comAnyone involved with a religious congregation knows it can be tough to get a decent sized flock together. However, embracing 21st-century technology can help will this as it can engage and disseminate The Word in a way that is relevant and accessible to a greater number of people. With this in mind, check out the 21st-century tech suggestions for your church below.


The number one technological development that can be used to spread The Word of God is video. After all, we all have cameras on our phone now, so it’s accessible and easy for, anyone, to put together a video presentation to provide variety for their congregation.

Video can also be used in another way and that by video linking, something which allows a pastor or speaker from another campus to talk live to your flock. This is a particularly helpful way of uniting different location under a single banner, as well as ensuring that the sermons your congregation hear, remain varied and exciting.

Musical equipment

Many churches have musicians playing worship songs throughout the service and technology is something that can enhance this. Consider items like electrical instruments that can be amplified to broadcast to a larger congregation. The advantage of which is that you can create a fantastic atmosphere of worship that get people enthused and connected with Jesus.

Then if you team that with a decent broadcast and speaker system that can be used for music and speeches and you can have a very professional and inspiring setup that your congregation is sure to appreciate.

LED signage

You can also bring the outside of your church into the 21st century as well. One way of doing this is to swap out the traditional announcement and service times board for a digital one. The major advantage of using these types of church signs is that they are eye-catching and so can help disseminate essential information to your congregation, as well as attract new attendees.

They can also be program easily from the inside, as well as customized with your church name and logo. Something that makes them a fabulous marketing method that doesn’t cost the earth.

Stage management suite

Lastly, with the rise of what is known as the super church, Hillsong in Australia being a good example, the standard of the stage management of services has gone through the roof. No longer is it about one person and a podium. Instead, they are multimedia extravaganzas that are broadcast online and to huge live audiences as well.

Hillsong Church is a fantastic example of stage management of services  

Luckily, even if your church isn’t quite at that stage yet, there is a lesson that you can learn from this example and its stage management. Yes, that is right by having the right tech behind the scenes you can ensure that your services and meetings are impactful, inspiring, and stand equal to all the other media inputs that are vying for your congregation’s attention.

Something that ensures that not only will your church be well and truly rooted in the 21st century, but will also continue to attract a younger congregation and grow as well.

Staff Writer; Sherry Carter

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