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Mind, Body, And Spirit: The Best Hobbies For The Aging Gent.

November 27, 2018 by  
Filed under Health, Sports, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comAs we get older, we begin to implement practices that seem a little on the tame side. Long nights out are replaced by short nights in and the can of beer is replaced by a cup of cocoa. But if you think that being an aging gentleman is all about a comfy pair of slippers, and you firmly want to get away from this cliché, it’s all about the hobbies you partake in. You can choose hobbies that are well-meaning, challenging, but ultimately, will suit you as you get older. It’s all to do with three things, your mind, body and spirit.


As we age, we have to challenge our brain capacity more. We all feel worried about age-related cognitive decline, or diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s. The best thing about choosing a hobby the challenges are brain is that they are beneficial to our overall life. You could learn a language, especially if now there’s time, or you could take up an incredibly challenging mental sports like chess. Chess is one of those sports that has never been trendy, but as you get older, the subtle nuances of the game begin to reveal themselves more.


If you think that playing golf is the pinnacle of the aging gentleman’s hobby, you are partially correct, but when you choose hobbies that challenge you, especially in a physical sense, you’ve got to work at the entire body. The gym is one of those things that we view as a surefire sign that we are past it, and we are scrambling to get some sort of health back. The real solution to this is about being active, and building up gradually. So if you are not particularly active, pick up those golf clubs and just make sure that you are slowly acclimatizing yourself. You don’t have to pick the heaviest clubs, and in fact, you are better off with the best lightweight golf bag you can just about carry. Looking after your body is all about acclimatizing, not shocking your body. This is even more important as you age.


What do you want out of life as you get older? Do you want peace and quiet, or are you still looking for a meaning to life? Discovering what’s important to you is a long quest, and as we get older, we can feel that the symptoms of isolation can make their way into our lives, especially when we become more conscious of our mortality. Because we are looking for something to occupy our days, finding that spiritual quest, even if it’s done by traveling as opposed to meditation or mindfulness, will give us the meaning, or at the very least, the perspective we need to age with grace.

Hobbies are always things that we enjoy, but if we’re looking for something a little bit more, we have to challenge these three areas. Mind, body, and spirit, when they work together, form a holy trinity that we can seek solace in.

Staff Writer; Roy Moore

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