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Signs that it is Time for You to Change Jobs.

January 9, 2020 by  
Filed under Education, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

( If you have been in your job for quite some time then you may find that your level of motivation dwindles and that you also don’t feel challenged enough. At times you may even wonder if you are moving in the direction you want anymore. If this is the case, then this could be a sign that something needs to change. If you want to help yourself here, then take a look below to find out more.

You’re Stressed and Tired

Do you find that you end up dragging your feet when you are commuting to work? Maybe you just feel as though you are lacking that spring in your step and that you are also finding it difficult to feel passionate about anything. Either way, this could all indicate that you have rising stress levels. This is a warning that things need to change because if you don’t then you may end up lowering your mood and your immune system too.

You Don’t Feel Part of the Organisation

When you started your job, you might have felt like there are tons of possibilities available and that you almost felt proud to identify yourself as a member of the organisation. If recently, you have noticed a change and you just lack confidence then this is a major sign that it’s time for you to change your job. A lot of people worry because they feel as though they don’t have the skills needed to seek out another position, this is understandable but there are a few things that you can do to enhance your chances. This could include attending a university course or even enrolling in a training program. If you need some help with that then Bradley University might be able to help.

You Find Yourself Watching the Clock

Another sign that it is time for you to start seeking out a new job is if you find yourself constantly watching the clock. At the end of the day, you deserve to have a job that you can be enthusiastic about, as well as one that keeps you eager. It might be that the job you have doesn’t challenge you anymore or even that your employer doesn’t have any room for you to develop your career path.

Your Skills Don’t Match your Personal Interests

Sometimes you may find that someone hires you because you are good at something, and this is great, but at the same time, you might not enjoy it. Sure, you might have a talent for creating and working with spreadsheets, but if you’d rather be out there and socialising with new clients then this could indicate that it is time for you to make a change. You spend half of your day at your job, so the last thing that you want is to not enjoy yourself. Finding a new job doesn’t need to be difficult, in fact, there’s nothing wrong with looking right now even if you have no intentions of leaving your position in the immediate future.

Staff Writer; Steve Moore

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